

1 During the workshop “Walking on Paper” by Ditte Lyngkaer and An Paenhuysen at the art school Byhøjskolen Århus in Denmark, 
Giorgia Minisini and Camilla Crispino made a guest appearance. They introduced a writing score to the students, who then developed some of their own on self-made paper.

2 An Paenhuysen was invited to teach a Creative Writing in Art Criticism workshop at Valletta Vintage, organised by Unfinished Art Space in Malta. On Sunday morning we started with closing our eyes under the guidance of Giorgia Minisini, in an exercise of Feldenkrais. Photo by Gioia Cassar.

~ Teaching and Learning 

minìsae is a platform for new teaching and learning practices. Each member has its own range of expertise and can be contacted to develop and coordinate projects for institutions, universities, art spaces, schools, museums, foundations, public and private organisations. 

Camilla Crispino focuses on somatic movement education, body pedagogy, performance practices and embodied writing. Giorgia Minisini researches the field of performing improvisation, choreography composition and somatic studies. An Paenhuysen has an expertise in art criticism, creative approaches in art criticism and art theory, and art writing. Together Camilla, Giorgia and An develope modules, interweaving various approaches for investigating bigger ideas. These modules can be designed for both young and adult participants and adapted to different settings and wishes.

In 2024, minìsae is planning its first edition of the school of minìsae in the form of a a three-day festive gathering. The program consists of time for research in studio and nature, guided experiences, and ... a party! More details will follow soon.